In Catalonia all schools are obligated to create a CENTER DIGITAL STRATEGY.

Technological changes are ever faster. Educational centers are immersed in and we can’t disassociate ourselves from it. Digital tools make it possible not only to have students as
receivers of learning also increase exponentially their creative possibilities. Therefore, digital technologies can have a favorable impact on student learning if they are used appropriately, with clear and defined objectives. Defining clearly what strategy a center wants to follow towards these digital technologies will help us get the most educational benefit out of them. The changes of recent years force us to reconsider. For this reason, as indicated in the Catalan Digital Education Plan (PEDC), the centers must specify the Center Digital Strategy (EDC). The EDC defines and specifies the lines of action of a center that make it possible for teachers, students and the center to achieve digital competence. To achieve this digital competence, the EDC includes all areas of the center: organizational, methodological, curricular and communicative, which must necessarily be involved and, where appropriate, transformed, from an innovation and continuous improve. It must have as its reference the Digital Education Plan of Catalonia (PEDC), which indicates the need to reach the milestone of a digitally competent society, emphasizing equity and taking into account the evolution of social and technological context. A digitally competent student will be a guarantee of a digitally competent citizen, critical and responsible in the use of technology. International organizations such as UNESCO, the OECD and the European Commission, ask to include the digital skills of students and teachers in the objectives of educational systems (DigComEdu). Technologies drive innovation and the evolution of teaching methodologies and are integrated into teaching and learning processes. These methodologies must take into account technological advances and the new uses that students make of them, as well as the implications they have for learning, accessing and processing information.

The objectives of the EDC can be grouped into five areas, which have as their goal the maximum
achievement of the digital competence of students, teachers and the school:

  • Achievement of digital competence
  • Strategic planning and organization
  • Didactic methodologies and innovation
  • Digital and gender inclusion
  • Security and data protection
  • To achieve these goals, the teachers are carrying out FIC training.

Per Sant Jordi el 23 d’abril Catalunya es vesteix de festa. És la diada de Catalunya i és tradició
regalar-se roses i llibres. Des de les escoles sempre es celebra la diada i és típic organitzar
diferents activitats relacionades amb la lectura. Aquest any a l’escola hem preparat una ruta
literària pel poble utilitzant un recurs tecnològic. Cada curs es va encarregar d’un espai del poble
important i els alumnes van escriure un poema inspirant-se en aquell lloc.
Us animeu a descobrir-la? Cliqueu a l’enllaç:


A Cada punt hi havia una breu descripció del lloc i un codi QR que quan l’escaneges pots llegir
les produccions literàries que han fet els alumnes.

Va ser una activitat molt atractiva que encara ara es pot trobar si visites el poble de les Preses.

For Sant Jordi on April 23, Catalonia is a party. It’s tradition to give each other roses and
books. Schools always celebrate the day and it is typical to organize different reading and
writing activities. This year at school we’ve prepared a literary route through the village using
a technological resource. We have prepared a literary route in different parts of the town.
Each course was assigned a space of the village and students wrote a poem inspired by that
place. Are you excited to discover it? Click on the link:At each point there was a short description of the place and a QR code that when you scan it
you can read the literary productions of students.


It was a very attractive activity that can still be found if you visit the village of Les Preses




