Accepting the digital challenge by promoting educational alliances to build true educating communities

There is no doubt that the younger generations spend much of their time online, using smartphones without adult supervision, often unaware of the numerous stimuli and dangers to which their children are subjected.
At school, on the other hand, teachers continually point out and complain about the negative effects of pupils’ use of the Internet and video games, and note poor concentration, irritability, lack of competence in the use of technology, as well as a tendency to denigrate fellow pupils, to ‘joke’ in a disrespectful manner, to exclude them too easily from real and virtual groups, and the use of violent language.

Parents and teachers therefore find themselves in difficulty in educating the new generations who are nowinfluenced no longer by these reference figures but by other people and worlds in which they are constantly
immersed. What is needed, then, is a strong educational alliance between school and family and also with other agencies in the area that enables a different approach to be adopted: it is useless to demonise and
prohibit, while it is appropriate to build an ongoing dialogue and confrontation that puts the children at the centre and starts from listening to them and getting to know their habits, choices and needs.

Family, school, local agencies, social platforms are called upon to build a complex educational alliance by accepting new challenges:
– The school must introduce innovative and inclusive paths in teaching focused on the development of digital skills and content close to the children;
– Students must learn to become active and critical web subjects, creators and producers;
– Families must constantly observe and listen to their children, build open and free dialogues to enable children to call on their support in cases of difficulty or danger.

Together, therefore, we can accept the challenge and even win it: the web is a vast and very rich world and the new technologies allow our children to explore it, offering them extraordinary opportunities for growth;
family and school remain, however, fundamental points of reference for contrasting the dangers of the web and for developing those digital skills that make them responsible citizens of the future.




