In the last few weeks of the STAND Project and following the completion of the STAND Handbook, the Methodological Guide, and the STAND Platform, all partners have organized final conferences/events to disseminate the project’s results. The final events for the STAND Project were conducted by the partners between November and December 2023. Each partner had…

  • Final TPM in Girona, Spain

    Final TPM in Girona, Spain

    The 4th and Final transnational project meeting of the STAND project was held in Girona on December 4-5, 2023, with the participation of representatives of the four partnering countries. The meeting was hosted by Blue Room Innovation and La Bobila School- Spanish partners. The first day of the meeting was a blast! We seized the…


    In Catalonia all schools are obligated to create a CENTER DIGITAL STRATEGY. Technological changes are ever faster. Educational centers are immersed in and we can’t disassociate ourselves from it. Digital tools make it possible not only to have students as receivers of learning also increase exponentially their creative possibilities. Therefore, digital technologies can have a…


    A Catalunya totes les escoles estan obligades a crear un ESTRATÈGIA DIGITAL DE CENTRE. Els canvis tecnològics es produeixen cada cop a un ritme més accelerat. Els centres educatius hi som immersos i no podem desvincular-nos-n. Les eines digitals permeten no sols tenir els estudiants com a receptors d’aprenentatge sinó incrementar exponencialment les possibilitats creatives.…

  • Accepting the digital challenge by promoting educational alliances to build true educating communities

    There is no doubt that the younger generations spend much of their time online, using smartphones without adult supervision, often unaware of the numerous stimuli and dangers to which their children are subjected.At school, on the other hand, teachers continually point out and complain about the negative effects of pupils’ use of the Internet and…

  • Digital Citizenship Education: A licence to surf the web

    Since last year, our institute has been a member of the network of numerous schools working throughout Italy to promote responsible use of smartphones, young people’s favorite possession at a very early age, and to make them aware of the risks of the web. The project was set up in the s.y. 20217/18 in Piedmont…

  • How to bring innovative IT tools into the classroom

    Educators have access to a plethora of innovative digital tools online. In this article, we will take a look at some tools that can help transform the school education sector. Adobe Stock / Yakobchuk Olena The term ‘innovation’ conjures up images of new ideas, tools, and ways of doing things. Innovative tools can help make…

  • Digital Learning: Tips and Tools for Classroom Success in a Post-COVID World

    Over the past few decades, more and more students have been learning online. However, the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly accelerated the adoption of digital learning across all age groups. As the virus tore through countries all over the world, children and adults alike were put into lockdown, which meant they needed to work and learn from…


    On the 9th of March we started the first training session in our school with teachers. We presented the STAND platform and MOOC. They got familiarised with the training programme and the course structure. The teachers logged in and started the first self-learning activities. Moreover, they learned about variety of digital tools that are necessary…

  • 3rd TPM in Thessaloniki

    3rd TPM in Thessaloniki

    The 3rd transnational project meeting was held in Thessaloniki on May 15-16, 2023 with the participation of representatives of the four partnering organizations. The meeting was hosted by Stimmuli for Social Change and Aristotelio College of Thessaloniki – Greek partners. During the first day of project meeting, we had the opportunity to share experiences from…
