STAND Kick Off Meeting

📲 First day of the kick-off meeting of #STAND📚 project. It was a fantastic beginning where all the partners explain its background and role for the project!

STAND (SupporTing continued Access to educatioN enhancing schools’ Digital readiness) is an Erasmus+ project that aims:

🔹 Support schools in the digital transformation while guaranteeing inclusive education.

🔹Train and equip teachers and staff from primary and lower secondary school with ICT, digital literacy skills and digital strategies to manage distance and blended learning.

🔹 Raise awareness among teachers, school staff, students and families on issues related to digital identity and data protection policies.

🔹 Promote informal networks and peer-tutoring among parents, teachers and students, providing them with guidance and ICT-related support in dealing with distance and blended learning.

🔹 Encourage collaboration among education institutions, technology providers, ICT and pedagogical experts across the EU.

🔹 To support transnational cooperation and mutual learning among and within education institutions.




