STAND – LTTA “Train the trainers Workshop” in Rzeszów, Poland.

The LTTA “Train the trainers Workshop” took place in Rzeszów, Poland from the 30th of August until the 1st of September 2022. The training was hosted by Danmar Computers; Danmar gave everyone a warm welcome and ensured the smooth implementation of the training.

(Group photo at the Danmar Office)

The aim of the LTTA was to familiarize the partners with the technical features and contents of the MOOC so that everyone can proceed to the piloting of the MOOC in their local contexts after the LTTA.

During the LTTA the partners shared the work they had previously done on the MOOC Modules. More precisely, each partner presented the content, the structure, and the activities of the Module that they were in charge of. After each presentation, collaborative activities took place (through mentimeter, google forms, padlet, jamboard etc.) and partners had the chance to exchange opinions and improve the
modules in a cooperative and engaging way.

(Presentation of Modules, Danmar Office)

By the end of the LTTA, the partners had a clear overview of the MOOC modules and the webinar and the face-to-face activities that are planned to take place in parallel with the MOOC. During the LTTA, the STAND platform and its functionalities were presented while later a workshop on creating H5P exercises and webinars took place. On the third day of the program, a discussion was held regarding the challenges of the piloting and implementation tips were shared among the partners.

It was a very productive meeting; the partners are now more familiar with the content of the MOOC and feel more confident to start with the piloting phase. Apart from the hard work done, the partners had the chance to try the local cuisine and get to know each other as this was the first time they met each other face-to-face.

(Partners at the social event)

(Polish pierogi with different fillings)

(Rzeszów at night)




