STAND – Designing a MOOC on ICT and digital literacy for teachers and school staff

The COVID-19 crisis led to a significant disruption of school education and revealed the unpreparedness of educational institutions to deliver classes online. In particular, the COVID-19 crisis showed that teachers lack basic digital competences and knowledge, and face difficulties regarding teaching online.

To address teachers’ and school staff’s lack of digital competences, the STAND project is going to develop a training program, in the form of a MOOC, to give teachers and school staff concrete support in terms of ICT skills development and alternative digital education methods and approaches. The MOOC is currently being developed by the STAND project partners and aims at improving teachers’ and school staff’s knowledge and skills in the use of ICT tools in the classroom and enabling them to design activities, set up digital environments for learning, create their own e-learning courses and use mobile devices as educational tools.

The MOOC is divided in 5 different modules. Module 1 – The use of ICT tools in the class explains how to adopt proper ICT tools to promote students’ learning, collaborative work, and creativity. Module 2 – Digital media literacy addresses the functioning of specific programs and social media, and their potential in educational settings. Module 3 – Subject-specific use of digital platforms and tools focuses on using different ICT tools in specific subject areas. Module 4 – Designing online courses through LMS instructs teachers how to use Learning management systems (LMS) and Module 5 – Mobile devices to support teaching trains teachers on how to integrate laptops, tablets and smartphones in the teaching and learning process.

The content of the Modules is currently being developed by the project partners and will be presented at the “Train the trainers Workshop” that will take place on the 30th and 31st of August and on the 1st of September in Poland.




