3rd TPM in Thessaloniki

The 3rd transnational project meeting was held in Thessaloniki on May 15-16, 2023 with the participation of representatives of the four partnering organizations. The meeting was hosted by Stimmuli for Social Change and Aristotelio College of Thessaloniki – Greek partners.

During the first day of project meeting, we had the opportunity to share experiences from the piloting of the STAND teacher training course in the partner countries – Italy, Spain, Poland and Greece.

We also had the chance to collaborate on the second Result of the project – Methodological guide: strategies and principles for effective digital education in primary and lower secondary schools.

Greek partner presented also the Result 3 – Data protection and safety in distance learning Handbook – and provided partners with a chance to go deeper into the topics.

During the second day was focused on the administrative and financial organization and implementation of STAND project. The project team accepted an action plan with distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the project partners, determination of deadlines and dates.

We finished the day with a great visit to the White Tower of Thessaloniki.





